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Danielle (Danie) Potocek, Ph.D.

Natural Systems Scientist

Danie Potocek, PhD is a biogeochemist focused on scientific road-mapping and field building of Spark’s Natural System Response program. Her work focuses on identifying and elevating the scientific research needs of natural systems such as wetlands and permafrost, in order to better understand the contribution of natural feedbacks to climate change.  Her work supports the design of new Spark programs, informs external stakeholders, and expands Spark’s network of scientific experts.   Prior to Spark, she provided environmental and climate policy consulting at the local, state, and Federal levels. She received her PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of Southern California in 2016 and conducted postdoctoral work at Caltech. Her past research includes trace metal and cofactor cycling in natural systems, as well as the role these trace nutrients played in Earth’s critical biological innovations. In her spare time she enjoys gardening, running, and exploring the Chesapeake Bay with her family.

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